[email protected] +91 - 93437 87741

InfixAdvocate application you can manage any Lawyer's Office Management, this application can manage your Lawyer, contract, case and all details, its 100% complete Management system

To access the admin panel use the below credentials

Admin Panel: https://infixadvocate.demoworld.co.in/login

Admin Login Details

Email Id: [email protected]

Password: 123456789


  • Contact
  • Opposite Lawyer
  • Lobbing List
  • Put Up Date
  • Appointment
  • Contact
  • Contact Category
  • Client
  • Client Category
  • Cause
  • Cause List
  • Add new Case
  • Case Category
  • Judgment Case
  • Closed Case
  • Court
  • Court Category
  • Task
  • To-Do List
  • Human Resource
  • Staff
  • Role
  • Attendance
  • Even
  • Payroll
  • Leave
  • Leave Type
  • Leave Define
  • Apply for Leave
  • Leave carry Forward
  • Leave Request
  • Pending Leave
  • Holiday Setup
  • Language Setup
  • Auto Update
  • SMTP/PHP Mail
  • Login Image Change option
  • Email Template
  • Date Format
  • Currency
  • Time Zone
  • RTL

Security Features

  • JWT Authentication
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • CSRF Protection
  • Secure Encrypt Password Hashing

Detailed Documentation:

To check the documentation and more details about this project Click Here

Infix Advocate - Lawyer Office Management System

Client Name
: In-House
: Laravel
Start Date
: Mar 24, 2021
End Date
: Dec 14, 2022
: Completed